welcome to my website

tiny star clover tiny flower tiny chicken tiny chicken hamster wheel cat spew blood masterball froggy jump hammyham
cat tongue tiny rainbow pacman inky blinky pinky clyde dancing guy frog white bunny poo star spinning doraemon mario head bouncing smiley
tiny sun tiny rainbow tiny rainbow tiny rainbow tiny rainbow tiny rainbow tiny rainbow tiny rainbow tiny rainbow tiny rainbow tiny rainbow tiny rainbow

silly guy About me silly guy

STATS: age 25
Dutch keroppi
Pisces keroppi
2D multimedia artist
Gamerrrrr keroppi

I'm Jata and I never know what I want to do creatively and keep trying to ““rebrand”” myself. So join me I guess while I try to figure things out for the millionth time!!

I like videogames, nostalgia, crochet, and kpop at the moment, so expect to see these topics a lot.

  pronouns whatever you want

        I look like this if you care.



song: Ateez - The Real

banner image graphic design is my passion mailput neocities neocities no nfts stamp www
flipphone gif sticker
cherry gif sticker
pink star gif sticker
pink star gif sticker