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tiny star clover tiny flower tiny chicken tiny chicken hamster wheel cat spew blood masterball froggy jump hammyham
cat tongue tiny rainbow pacman inky blinky pinky clyde dancing guy frog white bunny poo star spinning doraemon mario head bouncing smiley
tiny sun tiny rainbow tiny rainbow tiny rainbow tiny rainbow tiny rainbow tiny rainbow tiny rainbow tiny rainbow tiny rainbow tiny rainbow tiny rainbow

silly guyKpopsilly guy

Since about the beginning of 2022 my sister has dragged me into the never ending rabbit hole that is Kpop. I mostly stan boy groups but listen to some miscellaneous girl group music here and there.

I actually used to be a kpop hater at first, cause of the bad impressions I was getting from mean and extreme fans online. And while there are still parts about Kpop I dislike, I still can't help but really enjoy the fun (sometimes bad) music and the people it involves. It's a fun hobby, and this year I've decided to let loose and not care about if my hobbies are "cool" or not.

ult groups

  • Stray Kids
  • NCT U/127/Dream/WayV
  • Ateez
  • TXT
  • OnlyOneOf

Stan groups

  • Seventeen
  • Day6
  • Dreamcatcher
  • Xdinary Heroes
  • Oneus
  • Onewe
  • Victon
  • MonstaX
  • EXO
  • CIX
  • And more!...

Listen to Sticker by NCT127, sound of the summer


song: Ateez - The Real

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